Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome Summer

Has the sun, finally come out for us here in Colorado? I think so. Our youth BBQ was the other day and I totally thought we were going to get rained out. It turned out a lot better than I expected. It was cloudy in the morning, and it was park day for us homeschoolers. We got to the park and the dirty creek suddenly looked welcoming. Afterwards was the BBQ, it started to look cloudy. Well we had played human knot, worshiped, and ate. I thought by then we would be done. It was far from that! We played capture the flag...With water balloons. To think I forgot my camera through all this! There was a whole lot of laughter. Screams of joy were heard all around the church. The skies are getting bright blue and the days are getting hot.

Welcome Summer.

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