Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let's Party Shall We? Party @ Faithful Elven Princess!

PLEASE hop over to Eldarwen's Blog to see a giveaway AND read about the party!!!! =)
Here are the questions for the PARTAY!
 1) How old are you?
2) What name do you go by on blogger? I go by: Iona because I LOOOVE my name!
3) When is your birthday? September 17th!
4) If you could live anywhere in the world, besides where you live now, where would it be? California!!!!!
5) How did you find out about Blogger? My mom had one wayyy before me :P
6) Tell us something interesting about yourself: Um...I like to sing? LOL IDK
7) What was your favorite toy when you were little? I have no idea
8) What is your favorite meal? Have you ever cooked/helped cook that meal? CHINESE FOOOOOD! Sometims I help cook it :P
9) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My length of hair...That's about it...
10) Are you an outside person, or an inside person? It depends on my mood and the day...
11) Are you a mommy's boy/girl, or a daddy's boy/girl? Momma's Girl!
12) In one word, describe the feeling you get when you stub your toe, after just being told by your parents that you are grounded for the next month: Angry, sad...
13) Let's say you TP'd your friend's house (for those of you who don't know what TP'd stands for, it means toilet papered. As in, put toilet paper on their trees, cars, house, porch, etc.). If someone asked you why you TP'd your friends house, you would say: Umm...I wouldn't do that FYI
14) Have you ever gone swimming in deep, dark, dirty water? YEP!! Alot of times!! Yucky =P
15) Have you ever dreamed about getting ready to leave the house, and forgetting to get your pants on? Nope, Nada, Zit, Zoot.
16) Have you ever done something so ridiculous, that you wish you'd never done it? If so, what? Yes...Cried on a mini tower of doom (free fall ride) and didn't raise my hands up on a MINI roller coaster and my mom said if I did I'd get $5 dollars...
17) Imagine that you saw a purse snatching. What would you do? I'd do a.
a. scream and run away
b. move out of the state/country
c. tackle the purse snatcher to the ground.
d. ignore it, start whistling, and turn the other direction.
18) How many friends do you have on blogger? Way too many to count....
19) What makes blogging so much fun for you? I dunno...The friends..People's opinions...
20) You're a turtle, who has bet that you can win a race with a rabbit. How does it turn out? I probably will win...If I go slow and steady...


1 comment:

Eldarwen said...

Thanks for doing it, Iona! I love your answers! =D Eep! This is so much fun! =D
